Supporting our local charities

Thank you for being willing to donate and support Grant’s four chosen charities!

We don’t collect any money through this website and you will make donations directly to the charity.

You also won’t be expected to donate until December 1st, 2023, when the challenge ends and Grant loses at least 100 pounds. Let’s keep the pressure on him to make his goal!


  1. Click here to start the survey

  2. Share your contact information

  3. Choose how you would like to donate - either a flat donation or a donation per pound lost

  4. You go directly to the charity’s website and donate using the links below when the challenge ends (we’ll remind you!)

We appreciate your amazing support. Thank you!

Incline Education Fund

Incline Education Fund

“IEF helps to provide an overarching vision to support Students, Educators and Parents. Through our programming, advocacy and fundraising, IEF helps to ensure academic achievement and skill development across generations of Incline students.”

sierra community house

Sierra Community House

“We connect and empower our community through family strengthening, crisis intervention, hunger relief, and legal services.”

Clean up the lake

Clean Up The Lake

“Our mission is to fight back against plastic and all forms of pollution in our global environment, both on land and under the surface, starting with Lake Tahoe and the Cayes in Belize.”

tahoe fund

Tahoe Fund

“The goal of the Tahoe Fund is to become a major source of private funding for environmental projects around the Lake Tahoe Basin with an emphasis on forest health, lake clarity, sustainable recreation, transportation and stewardship.”